The Career Guidance and Placement Cell helps students to prepare for suitable careers along with their formal academic programmes. Seminars and interactive sessions are being organized to disseminate information on higher education options and specific career sectors. Special training is given to students in areas like Interview and Group discussion, Preparation of Resume, grooming etc. aiming employability enhancement and better prospects of campus placement. Regular updates and notifications are published in the college website and display boards.

- Understanding the needs and demands of the Industry, community and preparing the road map to nurture students as per the demands.
- Counsel the students on career development.
- Organize campus drives to create various job opportunities and improve campus placements.
- Conduct ample training programmes on various employability skills like Personality Development, Quantitative Aptitude & Logical, Verbal ability, Communication and Soft skills and technical skills for their future career opportunities/prospects.
- Conduct company specific training programmes based on the company requirement and hiring pattern.
- Conduct online assessments and track the assessment scores to further design the training programmes.
- Review and adopt the strategies from time to time based on the market trends to ensure substantial placements.
- Ensuring cordial relationship with the corporate and industry.
- Organize guest lectures.
- Displaying various job notifications, motivating the students to explore opportunities either through online sources or career columns in news papers.
Roles & Responsibilities
- To lead the Training & Placement team and to coordinate with the faculty members from various departments to conduct a wide range of training activities and placement drives.
- To coordinate with the internal resources available in the form of teaching expertise of teachers for enhancing the knowledge and skills of the students in implementation of the
- To interact with corporate and industrial houses for the purpose of arranging training programs for the up-skilling the engineering aspirants and make them industry ready.
- To approach various IT sector industries and Core sector industries to interact with the Human Resource Managers with the objective of facilitating recruitment drives in the campus.
- To collaborate with HR Managers across the industry and collaborate with the placement officers of the other colleges to organize ON/POOL campus drives.
- To coordinate the training and placement activities by mobilizing students and ensure the conduct of training programs strictly according to the schedule prepared.
- To record the attendance of the students during training and placement programs and ensure special care is taken to achieve 100% attendance by the way of phone calls to the parents and the absentees.
- To coordinate the conduct of placement motivation sessions, Counselling and career guidance sessions, industry orientation programs, soft skills training sessions, aptitude training sessions, technical training sessions, personality development sessions, industry institute interactive sessions regularly as per the planner.
- To Counsel, Motivate and Inspire students to ensure their dynamic, enthusiastic and active participation in the training and placement initiatives through individual interactions.
- To bring representations from their class group regarding their needs/requirements for training/placement/career guidance activities.
- To act as an active bridge between their class group and the placement department to share any information related to trainings/job opportunities/guest lectures/assessments/career guidance programmes.
- To coordinate the peer learning activities, mock interviews, resume preparations etc.,
- To motivate their class groups for active participation in the various activities those are planned for their future prospects.
- To share their plans/ideas with respect to the industry needs in accordance to their collective requirements of their class group.
- They act as volunteers/nominate volunteers during the placement activities to coordinate the hiring process along with the placement team