GPM Government College Alumni Association

The association is meant for former students and faculty members including retired members,the aim of which is to renew contacts and strengthen cordial relations and to keep alive the noble standards of GPMGC’s culture and traditions.

SL. No. Name Photo Designation Position

Sri. A. K. M. Ashraf
Member of Legislative Assembly (MLA)

Sri. Y Krishnadas
Social Servant

Sri. Manaf Nullipady
Social Servant

Dr. Mohammad Ali K.
Principal (i/c)
Ex-Officio Chairperson

Dear Alumni,

Welcome back to Govinda Pai Memorial Government College, Manjeshwar. On behalf of GPM Government College, I hereby inform you that we are planning an Alumni meeting for all the former students and teachers of the college.

For this we have initiated an Alumni Registration drive. If you are one among our proud alumni, please register with the following Google form Link so that we can get in touch with you and we together be part of the developmental journey of our college.

This will be a golden opportunity to recollect the old memories and experiences and share it with your friends and teachers. Please make it a point that GPM Government College is your college and be proud of it.

We look forward to meeting you all in our campus. Please fill this Alumni Registration form to get in touch with your Alma mater.

 –  Alumni Coordinator